Presented by Gina Pollard, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, Certified Trauma Support Specialist, and Life Transition Coach This year has been EXTRA-ordinary to say the least. While those who identify with being a caregiver are all too familiar with being flexible, this year’s events have pushed many to the limit. We would like to offer our

Emergency Department Visits for Sports- and Recreation-Related Traumatic Brain Injuries Among Children — United States, 2010–2016 Traumatic brain injury (TBI), a common injury among young athletes, can lead to short- or long-term emotional, physiologic, and cognitive sequelae. For more information, click here.

On Feb 21, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, published the Report to Congress: The Management of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Children, to review the public health burden and to make recommendations for the future management and treatment of this population. In a

Helmets use has proved effective in reducing head trauma (HT) severity in children riding non-motorised recreational vehicles. Scant data are available on their role in reducing concussive symptoms in children with HT while riding non-motorised recreational vehicles such as bicycles, push scooters and skateboards (BSS). We aimed to investigate whether helmet use is associated with

Participation in Research Study Looking at Concussion Outcomes Dr. Carrie Esopenko from the School of Health Professions at Rutgers University, along with Drs. Ellen Anderson and Jennifer Buckman, are conducting a study to better understand how a history of concussion affects emotional well-being and the strategies used to cope with concussion. Rutgers University Study

RESOURCE UPDATE  “Web Based Resources In Brain Injury” Please click here for details that were refererenced on the webinar! Search the Web for information on brain injury and you’ll likely find yourself overwhelmed. Sifting through the vast amount of information to find relevant and trustworthy resources is daunting. This webinar will highlight web resources that provide

  The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) will host several listening sessions across the country to help inform future funding priorities and strategic direction. Public meetings will be held Oct. 14th and 28th, Nov. 1st and 18th, and Dec. 5th.

New research from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights a substantial gap in how the United States currently estimates the nation’s burden of pediatric concussions. Among 0- to 17-year-olds who have a CHOP primary care physician and were diagnosed with a concussion within CHOP’s regional

Although emergency department physicians care for a large number of patients with sports-related concussion (SRC), little is known about their knowledge of SRC and return to play (RTP) guidelines. The authors conducted a 32-question cross-sectional Internet survey to evaluate knowledge of SRC and practice patterns with RTP strategies used by emergency department physicians in Washington

Concussion is increasingly recognized as a risk of participation in contact and collision sports. There have been few examinations of athletes’ perceptions of their susceptibility to concussion or concussion-related health consequences. We examine college football players’ perceptions of their risk of sustaining a concussion and concussion-related health consequences in their future, whether these perceptions change over

Concussion injuries have been highlighted to the American public through media and research. While recent studies have shown increased traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) diagnosed in emergency departments across the United States, no studies have evaluated trends in concussion diagnoses across the general US population in various age groups. For more information, click here.

Injury-associated deaths have substantial economic consequences. In 2013, unintentional injury was the fourth leading cause of death, suicide was the tenth, and homicide was the sixteenth; these three causes accounted for approximately 187,000 deaths in the United States (1). To assess the economic impact of fatal injuries, CDC analyzed death data from the National Vital

With the five-year anniversary of my traumatic brain injury on the horizon, I have gained one thing that I was not capable of having early on—I have gained a perspective that comes with time. For more information, click here.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new research on the cost of injury in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) According to the research, the combined estimated lifetime medical and work loss costs associated with fatal and non-fatal injuries in the United States were $671 billion in 2013. The lifetime medical

Federal report summarizes the current research on concussion knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and behaviors Garfield, NJ –As student athletes across the nation return to the playing field, today U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ-09), Co-founder and Co-chair of the Congressional Brain Injury Task Force, was joined by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials in

The long-term effects of brain injury can be catastrophic for students at any level. Early on, students with the most severe injuries are unable to attend school. Some require home schooling until they recover enough to travel and attend classes with other students. This guide can help parents and educators navigate good next steps. Click

This webinar, sponsored by the National Association of State Head Injury Administrators (NASHIA), is a 75 minute presentation designed to introduce individuals and program staff to TBI. The presentation will provide an overview of TBI, incidence, symptoms, treatment and state/federal programs and policies which address the needs. The webinar is free and is available on

Each school year, approximately 1,000 high school athletes in Oregon suffer at least one concussion. In this first TBI Research Brief, we present information about sports concussion and how to recognize and manage its consequences. To read more, click here.

It’s causing to more than 17,000 concussions annually Health researchers and soccer moms have known for years that more concussions occur in high school soccer than in any other sport except for football. Now, a new study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics details exactly how soccer players are getting those head injuries. Player-to-player contact caused

Jun 03, 2015 Information is scant concerning enduring brain injury effects of participation in the contact sport of Rugby Union (hereafter rugby) on early adolescents. The objective was prospectively to investigate differences between young adolescent male rugby players and non-contact sports controls on neurocognitive test performance over three years and academic achievement over six years.

The Model Systems Knowledge Translation Center (MSKTC) is a national center that helps facilitate the knowledge translation process to make research meaningful to those with spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, and burn injury. The MSKTC offers free resources to help with rehabilitation, daily living, relationships, and social and emotional issues. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)

Actively symptomatic students and their parents reported higher levels of concern for the impact of concussion on school performance (P < .05) and more school-related problems (P < .001) than recovered peers and their parents. High school students who had not yet recovered reported significantly more adverse academic effects than their younger counterparts (P <

May 20, 2015 This study reviewed data on sports-related TBI among individuals under age 65 from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample from 2006–2011. Visits were stratified by age, sex, injury severity, payer status and other criteria. Variations in incidence and severity were examined both between groups and over time. Odds of inpatient admission were calculated

Newswise — May 11, 2015 – Ongoing efforts by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to reduce the population impact of traumatic brain injury (TBI) are documented in the May/June issue of The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, official journal of the Brain Injury Association of America. The journal is published by Wolters

Cheryl Green, a media artist with TBI, is collaborating with independent filmmaker, Cynthia Lopez on, “Who Am I To Stop It,” a new documentary film about isolation, art, and transformation after brain injury. It features three TBI survivors who are all artists.

WEST ORANGE, N.J. – May 8, 2015. Positive news continues as Americans with and without disabilities are participating in the labor force and finding jobs, according to today’s National Trends in Disability Employment – Monthly Update (nTIDE), issued by Kessler Foundation and University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability (UNH-IOD). Social enterprise is one example of a

Ontario adult drivers who say they have experienced at least one traumatic brain injury in their lifetime also report significantly higher incidents of serious road-related driving aggression, said a new study. Serious driver aggression includes: making threats to hurt a fellow driver, passenger or vehicle. These individuals also reported significantly higher odds of being involved

On June 23-34, 2015, the National Academy of Engineering and the Institutes of Medicine are holding a FREE conference, “Concussion: A National Challenge” to share the latest in the detection, prevention and treatment of concussion with the public. Click here for details and the News Release.

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can lead to lifelong problems that not only affect the lives of individuals and their families, but also have a significant impact on society and the economy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed a Report to Congress, entitled Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Epidemiology and Rehabilitation,

Professionals Conference Flyer A one-day conference for you and your staff April 17, Kalispell • May 8, Miles City • May 22, Great Falls Service providers will increase their understanding of brain injury and related symptoms, learn strategies to enhance their work with survivors and families, and receive resources and information to increase community awareness.

The USBIA Policy Committee is monitoring the following legislation. Any questions or comments to Policy Committee Chair Gavin Attwood LEGISLATION: NEWLY INTRODUCED S.516: A bill to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to permit alternate standards and assessments for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Prime sponsor is Christopher Murphy

RESPONDING TO KING V. BURWELL: WHAT POLICY LEVERS CAN STATES “PULL” TO MAINTAIN COVERAGE IF THE SUPREME COURT SIDES WITH KING? This week,our In Focus section reviews approaches states could consider in the event the Supreme Court eliminates federal marketplace subsidies for certain states. It was prepared by Claudine Swartz and Angelique Hrycko of Day

Kessler Foundation News WEST ORANGE, N.J. – March 6, 2015. For the fifth consecutive month, employment for workers with disabilities continued to grow, according to today’s National Trends in Disability Employment – Monthly Update (nTIDE), issued by Kessler Foundation and University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability (UNH-IOD). Corporations and nonprofits are supporting opportunities for

The Ready to be Steady Project is a research study looking at how using a commercially available virtual-reality gaming system, the XBOX Kinect, may improve balance for people with TBI. Study participants will be asked to participate in an in-home balance therapy program and attend 4 assessments over a 6 month period at Craig Hospital

Improving Well-Being After TBI Through Structured Volunteer Activity – Have you had a traumatic brain injury? – Are you currently unemployed and looking for something meaningful to do? – Are you looking for a way to help others? – Are you 18 years or older? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a

Anger and Irritability Research Study for Brain Injury Survivors Participants Needed for a Research Study: Do you get angry with yourself or others since you had your brain injury? Are you more irritable with family, friends or co-workers than before your injury? If so, you might be able to participate in a research study about

Post-Concussion Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Division I Collegiate Athletes | Developmental Neuropsychology as taken from Children’s Safety Network February 17, 2015 This study examined the effect of baseline psychological symptoms on post-concussion symptoms among 67 concussed collegiate athletes. Depression at baseline was the strongest predictor of post-concussion depression and anxiety. Post-concussion depression and

Saturday, May 2; 10am – 12noon Colorado Convention Center Denver, Colo. Registration is free The functional relationship between the eye and the brain is established during the early stages of human embryonic development in all vertebrate species. Nowhere is this connectivity more evident than in the biology of human aging and the visual response to

Target Audience: Survivors of a brain injury, family and caregivers In partnership with HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital. Speakers include: Dr. Michael Nunley, PhD & Terri Cassidy, OT – Ten tips for your injured loved one, and a family beginning the marathon Dr. Kiran Pandit, MD – Behavioral, Emotional, and Mood issues in TBI and Neuroimaging Modalities

Advocate at the State Capitol! Every Tuesday through the end of the 2015 legislative session, the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance Public Policy staff meets with citizen advocates in the Department of Transportation cafeteria at 10 a.m. We provide a policy update, help write personal stories and facilitate meetings with legislators. For more information on Tuesdays

Job Opportunities at the Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance The Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance is hiring for a Case Manager and Care Coordinator in our Case Management department. A Care Coordinator is responsible for monitoring and implementing comprehensive; proactive; consumer directed systems of support and advocacy for individuals, including all ages and cultures, which have survived

Brain Injury Educational Classes The Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance offers a variety of educational classes – including our monthly Brain Injury Basics class – for families, individuals and professionals in the Twin Cities. Our educators can also train your staff on-site at your facility with our Traveling Workshops. Brain Injury Basics Caregiving: February 26, 2015

Age of First Exposure to Football and Later-Life Cognitive Impairment in Former NFL Players Neurology (as taken from Children’s Safety Network) February 4, 2015 To determine the relationship between exposure to repeated head impacts through tackle football prior to age 12, during a key period of brain development, and later-life executive function, memory, and estimated

The Trajectory of Long-Term Psychosocial Development 16 Years Following Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury Journal of Neurotrauma (as taken from Children’s Safety Network) Jan 27, 2015 Childhood traumatic brain injury (CTBI) is one of the most common causes of impairment in children and adolescents; with psychosocial difficulties found to be the most persisting.

Sleep Disturbances in Athletic Concussion Informa (as taken from Children’s Safety Network) Jan 27, 2015 Sleep disturbances are a common symptom following concussions to include athletic concussion. This review applies literature on sleep following traumatic brain injury and concussion to sport concussions and places these considerations in the context of sleep and athletic performance. It

School-Based Consultation to Improve Concussion Recognition and Response Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation Jan 27, 2015 (as taken from Children’s Safety Network) Many students who have sustained concussions return to school requiring academic adjustments while their brains heal. However, school personnel often are not trained to accommodate these students. This exploratory project examined the

BIAC’s 2015 Annual Conference will be held on Friday, March 6, 2015. BIAC is pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Cantu, Boston University School of Medicine, will be our plenary speaker, presenting on concussions, and he will offer an additional workshop option on biomarkers. Dr. Cantu is one of the world’s foremost authorities on concussions

Journal of Neurology as taken from Children’s Safety Network Dec 16, 2014 The aims of the study were to examine whether self-reported physical health changes over the first 5 years after traumatic brain injury (TBI), and whether the trajectories of physical health over that time period could be predicted by demographic and injury-related variables.

Contiuum as taken from Children’s Safety Network Dec 16, 2014 As the issue of brain injury in athletes has emerged and developed, shifting the landscape of public concern, neurologists have become more directly involved in the diagnosis and management of sports concussion.

Critical Care Medicine as taken from Children’s Safety Network Dec 16, 2014 The purpose of this study was to gain a description of the prevalence and time course of vasospasm in children suffering moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury.