Category: Concussion

Brain Changes’ Seen In Young American Footballers Children’s Safety Network 12/3/14 Some teenagers appear to show changes in their brains after one season of playing American football, a small study suggests. Even though players were not concussed during the season, researchers found abnormalities similar to the effects of mild traumatic brain injury.

Young athletes may not understand possible consequences, study shows. High School Football Players Aren’t Well-Educated About Concussion SATURDAY, Nov. 1, 2014 (HealthDay News) — Despite recent efforts to create awareness about concussion among young athletes, a new study found that high school football players still don’t know enough about the symptoms and consequences of this

Recognition and Evaluation of Pediatric Concussions Children’s Safety Network eNewsletter Oct 29, 2014 Given the increased awareness of concussion in pediatric athletes and several consensus statements in recent years we wanted to examine the attitudes and practices of pediatricians in regards to pediatric concussions. Pediatric concussions continue to be a very important topic in sports

Oct 08, 2014 The fact that 1.6 to 3.8 million concussions occur each year as a result of sport and physical activity indicates the need for more people to have a better awareness of concussion management. This article describes why a team approach to concussion education is necessary, and provides specific strategies for concussion prevention.

Oct 08, 2014 This month’s CDC Vital Signs series presents the latest CDC findings on the health burden and costs of motor vehicle crash injuries in the United States. The issue includes proven strategies for increasing restraint use, reducing impaired driving, and improving teen driver safety. CDC Vital Signs October: “Motor Vehicle Crash Injuries: Costly

Huffington Post Article by Shannon Babineau, MD Assistant Professor of Neurology and Pediatrics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Director of Pediatric Headache Medicine, The Mount Sinai Hospital A new school year has begun. Playgrounds are full of children chasing, tumbling and climbing. Sports fields teem with young athletes practicing football, field hockey, and