Category: Sports

Jun 03, 2015 Information is scant concerning enduring brain injury effects of participation in the contact sport of Rugby Union (hereafter rugby) on early adolescents. The objective was prospectively to investigate differences between young adolescent male rugby players and non-contact sports controls on neurocognitive test performance over three years and academic achievement over six years.

May 20, 2015 This study reviewed data on sports-related TBI among individuals under age 65 from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample from 2006–2011. Visits were stratified by age, sex, injury severity, payer status and other criteria. Variations in incidence and severity were examined both between groups and over time. Odds of inpatient admission were calculated

Post-Concussion Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Division I Collegiate Athletes | Developmental Neuropsychology as taken from Children’s Safety Network February 17, 2015 This study examined the effect of baseline psychological symptoms on post-concussion symptoms among 67 concussed collegiate athletes. Depression at baseline was the strongest predictor of post-concussion depression and anxiety. Post-concussion depression and

Saturday, May 2; 10am – 12noon Colorado Convention Center Denver, Colo. Registration is free The functional relationship between the eye and the brain is established during the early stages of human embryonic development in all vertebrate species. Nowhere is this connectivity more evident than in the biology of human aging and the visual response to

Age of First Exposure to Football and Later-Life Cognitive Impairment in Former NFL Players Neurology (as taken from Children’s Safety Network) February 4, 2015 To determine the relationship between exposure to repeated head impacts through tackle football prior to age 12, during a key period of brain development, and later-life executive function, memory, and estimated

Sleep Disturbances in Athletic Concussion Informa (as taken from Children’s Safety Network) Jan 27, 2015 Sleep disturbances are a common symptom following concussions to include athletic concussion. This review applies literature on sleep following traumatic brain injury and concussion to sport concussions and places these considerations in the context of sleep and athletic performance. It

Contiuum as taken from Children’s Safety Network Dec 16, 2014 As the issue of brain injury in athletes has emerged and developed, shifting the landscape of public concern, neurologists have become more directly involved in the diagnosis and management of sports concussion.